ファームウェア 1.13 のスリープ機能


引っ込められたファームウェア 1.13 には、



標準ファームにログインできるようにはなっているが、 さて、どこから調べ始めれば良いのやら。

まずは Web の管理画面から設定をしてみる。



分の設定は 0, 15, 30, 45 の15分間隔でしか設定できない。


起動時刻に 12:45
終了時刻に 12:30

『タイマー1の「終了時刻」が「起動時刻」よりも早い時刻に 設定されています』と怒られた。
Buffalo には 23:45 の次が 0:00 であるという考えはないようだ。

「8:00 から 19:00 までは会社に行っているので その間はスリープさせておこう」 つまり、
「家に帰ってくるのが 21:00 で、寝るのが 1:00 だから、 20:00 に起動して 2:00 に終了しよう」とか





予想通り /etc/melco に設定が残された。
root@LS-GL530:/etc/melco# cat sleep


時間が来たら何か起動というのは、at か cron。
毎日だと cron か?
root@LS-GL530:/etc/melco# crontab -l
00 0 * * * /etc/cron/cron.d/mailnotice.sh
05 4 * * * /etc/cron/cron.d/logrotate
08 4 * * * /etc/cron/cron.d/calib_time.sh
3 */3 * * * /etc/cron/cron.d/ntpdate
15 12 * * * /usr/local/sbin/PowerSave.sh resume-cron
30 12 * * * /usr/local/sbin/PowerSave.sh standby-cron
45 12 * * * /usr/local/sbin/PowerSave.sh resume-cron
00 13 * * * /usr/local/sbin/PowerSave.sh standby-cron

起動時刻には /usr/local/sbin/PowerSave.sh resume-cron が実行され、
終了時刻には /usr/local/sbin/PowerSave.sh standby-cron が実行される


単に LED を消して、HDD のモータを止めるだけだと思っていたら、 終了時刻にいきなりシャットダウン(?)が走り始めた。
root@LS-GL530:~# date
Mon May  5 12:29:50 JST 2008
root@LS-GL530:~# 75828+1 records in
75828+1 records out

---- rcDown(standbying) ----

===== shutdown_proc.sh stopping =====
Stop logchkd:done.
Stop services: crondStop daemonwatch:done.
Stop servecies: atalkd afpd
killall: papd: no process killed
Stop lsprcvd:Stop clientUtil_server:rm: cannot remove `/var/run/clientUtil_server-eth0.pid': No such file or directory

Message from syslogd@LS-GL530 at Mon May  5 12:30:12 2008 ...
LS-GL530 clientUtil_server[878]: ap_serv_exit() exit ap_servd. code=15
Shutting down FTPD services: killall: proftpd: no process killed

Shutting down HTTPD services: /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop: httpd stopped

Shutting down SMB services:
killall: Could not kill pid '1726': No such process
Shutting down NMB services:

Shutting down WINBIND services: killall: winbindd: no process killed

Shutting down PAMSMBD services: killall: pamsmbd: no process killed

Deconfiguration network interface: lo eth0
Stop inetd:done.
Stop kernelmon:done.
/etc/init.d/miconmon.sh: line 27: /usr/local/sbin/miconmon_exec.sh: No such file or directory
killall: miconmon_exec.sh: no process killed
Stop errormon:done.
Save current configuration files
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Stop logchkd:killall: logchkd: no process killed
/sbin/hotplug [module]
ERROR: Module p8022 does not exist in /proc/modules
/sbin/hotplug [module]
/sbin/hotplug [module]

===== umount_disk.sh stopping =====
killing all servers..
Shutting down SMB services:
killall: smbd: no process killed
Shutting down NMB services:
killall: nmbd: no process killed

Shutting down WINBIND services: killall: winbindd: no process killed

Shutting down PAMSMBD services: killall: pamsmbd: no process killed

Shutting down FTPD services: killall: proftpd: no process killed

Stop servecies: atalkd afpd
/sbin/hotplug [module]
/sbin/hotplug [module]
/sbin/hotplug [module]
Can't unregister LS-GL530:Workstation@*
Can't unregister LS-GL530:netatalk@*
killall: atalkd: no process killed
killall: afpd: no process killed
killall: papd: no process killed
killing all daemons
Stop daemonwatch:killall: daemonwatch: no process killed
killall: diskmon: no process killed
/etc/init.d/miconmon.sh: line 27: /usr/local/sbin/miconmon_exec.sh: No such file or directory
killall: miconmon_exec.sh: no process killed
killall: rsync: no process killed
Shutting down HTTPD services: /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop: httpd (no pid file) not running

killall: sshd: no process killed
\n==== unmounting all disks ====
/sbin/hotplug [block]
/sbin/hotplug [block]
umount2: Invalid argument
umount: /mnt/usbdisk1: Illegal seek
umount2: Invalid argument
umount: /mnt/usbdisk2: not mounted
umount: /dev/usbdisk1_1: not found
umount: /dev/usbdisk2_1: not found
umount: /mnt/ram: device is busy
umount: /mnt/ram: device is busy
/sbin/hotplug [module]
ERROR: Module p8022 does not exist in /proc/modules
/sbin/hotplug [module]
/sbin/hotplug [module]

===== start_data_array.sh stopping =====
can't find or execute script(start_data_array.sh)
[Failed ]

===== sendsigs.sh stopping =====
swapoff: /dev/ls_disk1_5: Invalid argument
Shutting down kernel logger:
Shutting down system logger:
umount: /mnt/ram: device is busy
umount: /mnt/ram: device is busy
warning: can't open /etc/mtab: No such file or directory

** /proc is closed.

----- rcDown Finished. ----

RETVAL=1, but anyway go on the resume process.
killall: getty: no process killed
/sbin/hotplug [block]
Starting pid 2831, console /dev/ttyS0: '/etc/init.d/rcDown'
put nologin
create ram-rootfs
use /boot/initrd.buffalo
down all processes
restart init(1) with no respawn in inittab(5)
kills the survived processes
remove /etc/nologin
unmount some file-systems. and turn off swaps
mount new rootfs
copy the PC-list and inittab(5) into new rootfs
open /etc/pwrmgr/standby.df failed: No such file or directory
open /etc/pwrmgr/standby.mount failed: No such file or directory
open /etc/pwrmgr/standby.config failed: No such file or directory
change rootfs
restart new rootfs
--- rcDown ---
=====  exec:shutdown_start.sh  =====
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
called shutdown_start /etc/init.d/shutdown_start.sh
=====  exec:shutdown_proc.sh  =====
Stop daemonwatch:killall: daemonwatch: no process killed
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
Stop clientUtil_server:Shutting down FTPD services: killall: proftpd: no process killed

killall: diskmon: no process killed
Stop kernelmon:killall: kernelmon: no process killed
killall: cat: no process killed
err: argCmd: invalid command. (usb_set_power)

=====  exec:umount_disk.sh  =====
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
killing all servers..
/etc/init.d/umount_disk.sh: line 336: /etc/init.d/smb.sh: No such file or directory
Shutting down FTPD services: killall: proftpd: no process killed

/etc/init.d/umount_disk.sh: line 338: /etc/init.d/atalk.sh: No such file or directory
killing all daemons
Stop daemonwatch:killall: daemonwatch: no process killed
killall: diskmon: no process killed
err: argCmd: invalid command. (usb_set_power)

killall: rsync: no process killed
Stop a service: httpd
killall: httpd: no process killed
killall: sshd: no process killed
\n==== unmounting all disks ====
umount2: No such file or directory
umount: /boot: Illegal seek
umount2: No such file or directory
umount: /mnt/disk1/: Illegal seek
umount2: No such file or directory
umount: /mnt/usbdisk1: Illegal seek
umount2: No such file or directory
umount: /mnt/usbdisk2: not found
umount: /dev/usbdisk1_1: not found
umount: /dev/usbdisk2_1: not found
swapoff: /dev/ls_disk1_5: Invalid argument
umount: /proc/bus/usb: not found
umount: /dev/ram1: not mounted
/etc/init.d/umount_disk.sh: line 11: rmmod: command not found
/etc/init.d/umount_disk.sh: line 12: rmmod: command not found
/etc/init.d/umount_disk.sh: line 13: rmmod: command not found
/etc/init.d/umount_disk.sh: line 14: rmmod: command not found
=====  exec:sendsigs.sh  =====
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
grep: /proc/buffalo/firmware: No such file or directory
swapoff: /dev/ls_disk1_5: Invalid argument
Shutting down kernel logger: killall: klogd: no process killed

Shutting down system logger: killall: syslogd: no process killed

umount: /mnt/ram: not found
umount: /sys: not mounted
umount: /proc: not mounted
Starting pid 2942, console /dev/ttyS0: '/bin/umount'
The system is going down NOW !!
Sending SIGTERM to all processes.
Sending SIGKILL to all processes.
init started:  BusyBox v1.1.1 (2008.03.07-05:17+0000) multi-call binary
Starting pid 2947, console /dev/ttyS0: '/bin/umount'
Starting pid 2950, console /dev/ttyS0: '/bin/umount'
Starting pid 2954, console /dev/ttyS0: '/bin/mount'
Starting pid 2957, console /dev/ttyS0: '/etc/init.d/standby.rcS'
--- rcStart (initrd standby mode) ---
=====  exec:create_devlink.sh  =====
/etc/init.d/create_devlink.sh: line 675: /var/tmp/devlink: No such file or directory
/etc/init.d/create_devlink.sh: line 675: /var/tmp/devlink: No such file or directory
=====  exec:sethostname.sh  =====
configure files from Buffalo parameters.
=====  exec:restore_config.sh  =====
mount: mount point /boot does not exist
Update configuration files
** fail. not fount initfile.tar.gz
=====  exec:networking.sh  =====
cp: unable to open `/var/tmp/dhcpcstate': No such file or directory
create network files..
IP=[dhcp], netmask=[], dgw=[], dns1=[], dns2=[]
/etc/init.d/networking.sh: line 36: /var/tmp/dhcpcstate: No such file or directory
killall: dhcpcd: no process killed
route: SIOC[ADD|DEL]RT: No such process
Configuration network interface: lo eth0
/etc/init.d/networking.sh: line 125: /var/tmp/dhcpcstate: No such file or directory
requesting DHCP  tout=30[s]
networking.sh: dhcp requesting...
eth0: link down
eth0: link up<5>, full duplex<5>, speed 1 Gbps<5>
sendto:  count 6   sync 1
sendto:  count 5   sync 0
sendto:  count 6   sync 0
** dhcp fail
dhcpcd.exe: interface eth0 has been configured with new IP= GATEWAY=
/etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd.exe: line 64: /var/tmp/dhcpcstate: No such file or directory
** networking.sh dhcp fin.
configure files from Buffalo parameters.
=====  exec:create_usblink.sh  =====
=====  exec:closeSysMd.sh  =====
/etc/init.d/standby.rcS: line 9: /etc/init.d/closeSysMd.sh: No such file or directory
=====  exec:miconmon.sh  =====
Core Driver (ERROR) 0 0: Edma Error Reg 0xa8
Core Driver (ERROR) 0 0: Flush DMA, type=CALLBACK, commands 0 (on EDMA 0)
err: argCmd: invalid command. (usb_set_power)

=====  exec:kernelmon.sh  =====
Starting kernelmon:=====  exec:clientUtil_servd.sh  =====
Starting clientUtil_server:starting on eth0
touch: /var/run/active_clientUtil_server: No such file or directory
=====  exec:cron.sh  =====
Start services: crondcrond[3141]: crond 2.3.2 dillon, started, log level 8

=====  exec:httpd.sh  =====
Start a service: httpd
=====  exec:backupmon  =====
Start service: backupmon
=====  exec:powersw.sh  =====
Start service: powerswmon
Starting pid 3153, console /dev/ttyS0: '/sbin/getty'


EM モードで起動してきた。


LS-GL-EM530 login: crond[3141]: USER root pid 17607 cmd /usr/local/sbin/PowerSave.sh resume-cron

eth0: link down
Core Driver (ERROR) 0 0: Edma Error Reg 0x10
Core Driver (ERROR) 0 0: Edma Error Reg 0x28
Core Driver (ERROR) 0 0: Unrecoverable HW error detected.
Core Driver (ERROR) 0 0: eDevDisUnrecoverableHW error detected.
Core Driver (ERROR)  SStatus  0x00000123:
Core Driver (ERROR)  SControl 0x00000300:
Core Driver (ERROR)  SError    0x00000000:
Core Driver (ERROR)  IF Ctrl  0x00000000: TXPort 0x0
Core Driver (ERROR)  IF status 0x00404000: RXFIS 0x0 RXPort 0x0
Linux IAL (ERROR)  [0 0] sata unrecoverable error occured, restart channel
Core Driver (FATAL_ERROR)  0 0: mvSataChannelHardReset Failed, channel data structure not allocated
eth0: link up<5>, full duplex<5>, speed 1 Gbps<5>
** BUFFALO Disable Command Queuing Function [0 0] **
Linux IAL (ERROR) : retry command host=0, bus=0 SCpnt = c1427060
XFS mounting filesystem sda2
The system is going down NOW !!
Sending SIGTERM to all processes.
Sending SIGKILL to all processes.
init started:  BusyBox v1.1.1 (2008.03.07-05:17+0000) multi-call binary
Starting pid 17872, console /dev/ttyS0: '/etc/init.d/rcS'
--- rcStart (hddroot) ---
mkdir: Cannot create directory `/sys': File exists
Mon May  5 12:45:17 JST 2008
** step1 **
=====  exec:checkroot.sh  =====
mount: /dev/pts already mounted or /dev/pts busy
mount: according to mtab, devpts is already mounted on /dev/pts
mkdir: Cannot create directory `/var/lock': File exists
ln: /var/spool/cron/cron: File exists
rm: /var/lock/perfmon: is a directory
rm: /var/lock/printing: is a directory
rm: /var/lock/subsys: is a directory
Adding 136512k swap on /dev/ls_disk1_5.  Priority:-2 extents:1 across:136512k
=====  exec:create_devlink.sh  =====
=====  exec:procps.sh  =====
=====  exec:devpts.sh  =====
=====  exec:sethostname.sh  =====
configure files from Buffalo parameters.
=====  exec:restore_config.sh  =====
kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on sda1, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
/sbin/hotplug [block]
Update configuration files
Restore previous configuration files
/etc/init.d/restore_config.sh: line 398: [: missing `]'
=====  exec:exp_firm_nvram.sh  =====
not expansion firmware
** step2 **
=====  exec:networking.sh  =====
create network files..
IP=[dhcp], netmask=[], dgw=[], dns1=[], dns2=[]
killall: dhcpcd: no process killed
route: SIOC[ADD|DEL]RT: No such process
Configuration network interface: lo eth0
requesting DHCP  tout=30[s]
networking.sh: dhcp requesting...
sendto:  count 6   sync 0
dhcpcd.exe: interface eth0 has been configured with old IP= GATEWAY=
** networking.sh dhcp fin.
configure files from Buffalo parameters.
=====  exec:syslog.sh  =====
Starting system logger: optarg:syslog
LoadConfFileString:key=[local_auth] not found in /etc/melco/info.
load_info ItemValue = off
LoadConfFileString:key=[ad_dns] not found in /etc/melco/info.
LoadConfFileOnOff:key=[info_visible] not found in /etc/melco/info.

Starting kernel logger:
=====  exec:inetd.sh  =====
Starting inetd:=====  exec:kernelmon.sh  =====
Starting kernelmon:=====  exec:miconmon.sh  =====
err: argCmd: invalid command. (usb_set_power)

=====  exec:mount_share.sh  =====
/etc/init.d/mount_share.sh: line 482: [: -eq: unary operator expected
XFS mounting filesystem sda6
/sbin/hotplug [block]
=====  exec:diskmon.sh  =====
diskmon ver.1.01
total_size=319080640512 free_byes=319004049408
=====  exec:errormon.sh  =====
Starting errormon:errormon ver.1.00b5(BuildDate Mar  7 2008 14:23:26) Started
=====  exec:hotplug.sh  =====
updating DHCP lease info: eth0
ls: /proc/scsi/usb-storage/: No such file or directory
=====  exec:ups  =====
** step3 **
=====  exec:recover_shareinfo.sh  =====
find: /mnt/array1: No such file or directory
find: /mnt/array2: No such file or directory
** share disk1
find: /mnt/disk2: No such file or directory
find: /mnt/disk3: No such file or directory
find: /mnt/disk4: No such file or directory
=====  exec:micon_setup.sh  =====
=====  exec:atalk.sh  =====
Starting AppleTalk services: configure atalkd atalk_name=LS-GL530
LoadConfFileString:key=[local_auth] not found in /etc/melco/info.
load_info ItemValue = off
LoadConfFileString:key=[ad_dns] not found in /etc/melco/info.
LoadConfFileOnOff:key=[info_visible] not found in /etc/melco/info.
=====  exec:ftpd.sh  =====
ftp is OFF
=====  exec:httpd.sh  =====
Starting HTTPD services: /sbin/hotplug [module]
/sbin/hotplug [module]
/sbin/hotplug [module]
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd started

=====  exec:smb.sh  =====
configure samba
LoadConfFileString:key=[local_auth] not found in /etc/melco/info.
load_info ItemValue = off
LoadConfFileString:key=[ad_dns] not found in /etc/melco/info.
LoadConfFileOnOff:key=[info_visible] not found in /etc/melco/info.
LoadConfFileString:key=[msdfs_function] not found in /etc/melco/msdfs.
LoadConfFileString:key=[msdfs_root_as_link] not found in /etc/melco/msdfs.
LoadConfFileString:key=[msdfs_root_name] not found in /etc/melco/msdfs.
LoadConfFileString:key=[msdfs_root_path] not found in /etc/melco/msdfs.
LoadConfFileString:key=[msdfs_link1_name] not found in /etc/melco/msdfs.
Can't Open : /etc/melco/offlinefile
>IconvCodeCharset CodePage=0,charset=CP932
Starting SMB services:
Starting NMB services:
=====  exec:clientUtil_servd.sh  =====
Starting clientUtil_server:starting on eth0
=====  exec:lsprcvd.sh  =====
Starting lsprcvd:=====  exec:daemonwatch.sh  =====
Starting daemonwatch:daemonwatch Ver.1.01
watch list file : /etc/daemonwatch.list
=====  exec:cron.sh  =====
Start services: crond=====  exec:logchkd.sh  =====
Starting logchkd:logchkd ver.1.12(Mar  7 2008) started
=====  exec:checkconfig.sh  =====
=====  exec:init_sem.sh  =====
=====  exec:bootcomplete.sh  =====
/etc/init.d/bootcomplete.sh: line 44: flushqueue: command not found
Starting pid 18462, console /dev/ttyS0: '/sbin/getty'

BUFFALO INC. LinkStation series LS-GL(IESADA)
LS-GL530 login:



スリープにしておいて、 電源ボタンを押すと、通常モードで起動してきた。

LS-GL-EM530 login: eth0: link down
Core Driver (ERROR) 0 0: Edma Error Reg 0x10
Core Driver (ERROR) 0 0: Edma Error Reg 0x28
Core Driver (ERROR) 0 0: Unrecoverable HW error detected.
Core Driver (ERROR) 0 0: eDevDisUnrecoverableHW error detected.
Core Driver (ERROR)  SStatus  0x00000123:
Core Driver (ERROR)  SControl 0x00000300:
Core Driver (ERROR)  SError    0x00000000:
Core Driver (ERROR)  IF Ctrl  0x00000000: TXPort 0x0
Core Driver (ERROR)  IF status 0x00404000: RXFIS 0x0 RXPort 0x0
Linux IAL (ERROR)  [0 0] sata unrecoverable error occured, restart channel
Core Driver (FATAL_ERROR)  0 0: mvSataChannelHardReset Failed, channel data structure not allocated
eth0: link up<5>, full duplex<5>, speed 1 Gbps<5>
** BUFFALO Disable Command Queuing Function [0 0] **
Linux IAL (ERROR) : retry command host=0, bus=0 SCpnt = c1427a60
XFS mounting filesystem sda2
The system is going down NOW !!
Sending SIGTERM to all processes.
Sending SIGKILL to all processes.
init started:  BusyBox v1.1.1 (2008.03.07-05:17+0000) multi-call binary
Starting pid 23152, console /dev/ttyS0: '/etc/init.d/rcS'
--- rcStart (hddroot) ---
mkdir: Cannot create directory `/sys': File exists
Mon May  5 13:05:02 JST 2008
** step1 **
=====  exec:checkroot.sh  =====
mount: /dev/pts already mounted or /dev/pts busy
mount: according to mtab, devpts is already mounted on /dev/pts
mkdir: Cannot create directory `/var/lock': File exists
ln: /var/spool/cron/cron: File exists
rm: /var/lock/perfmon: is a directory
rm: /var/lock/printing: is a directory
rm: /var/lock/subsys: is a directory
Adding 136512k swap on /dev/ls_disk1_5.  Priority:-3 extents:1 across:136512k
=====  exec:create_devlink.sh  =====
=====  exec:procps.sh  =====
=====  exec:devpts.sh  =====
=====  exec:sethostname.sh  =====
configure files from Buffalo parameters.
=====  exec:restore_config.sh  =====
kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on sda1, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
/sbin/hotplug [block]
Update configuration files
Restore previous configuration files
/etc/init.d/restore_config.sh: line 398: [: missing `]'
=====  exec:exp_firm_nvram.sh  =====
not expansion firmware
** step2 **
=====  exec:networking.sh  =====
create network files..
IP=[dhcp], netmask=[], dgw=[], dns1=[], dns2=[]
killall: dhcpcd: no process killed
route: SIOC[ADD|DEL]RT: No such process
Configuration network interface: lo eth0
requesting DHCP  tout=30[s]
networking.sh: dhcp requesting...
sendto:  count 6   sync 0
dhcpcd.exe: interface eth0 has been configured with old IP= GATEWAY=
** networking.sh dhcp fin.
configure files from Buffalo parameters.
=====  exec:syslog.sh  =====
Starting system logger: optarg:syslog
LoadConfFileString:key=[local_auth] not found in /etc/melco/info.
load_info ItemValue = off
LoadConfFileString:key=[ad_dns] not found in /etc/melco/info.
LoadConfFileOnOff:key=[info_visible] not found in /etc/melco/info.

Starting kernel logger:
=====  exec:inetd.sh  =====
Starting inetd:=====  exec:kernelmon.sh  =====
Starting kernelmon:=====  exec:miconmon.sh  =====
err: argCmd: invalid command. (usb_set_power)

=====  exec:mount_share.sh  =====
/etc/init.d/mount_share.sh: line 482: [: -eq: unary operator expected
XFS mounting filesystem sda6
/sbin/hotplug [block]
=====  exec:diskmon.sh  =====
diskmon ver.1.01
total_size=319080640512 free_byes=319004049408
=====  exec:errormon.sh  =====
Starting errormon:errormon ver.1.00b5(BuildDate Mar  7 2008 14:23:26) Started
=====  exec:hotplug.sh  =====
updating DHCP lease info: eth0
ls: /proc/scsi/usb-storage/: No such file or directory
=====  exec:ups  =====
** step3 **
=====  exec:recover_shareinfo.sh  =====
find: /mnt/array1: No such file or directory
find: /mnt/array2: No such file or directory
** share disk1
find: /mnt/disk2: No such file or directory
find: /mnt/disk3: No such file or directory
find: /mnt/disk4: No such file or directory
=====  exec:micon_setup.sh  =====
=====  exec:atalk.sh  =====
Starting AppleTalk services: configure atalkd atalk_name=LS-GL530
LoadConfFileString:key=[local_auth] not found in /etc/melco/info.
load_info ItemValue = off
LoadConfFileString:key=[ad_dns] not found in /etc/melco/info.
LoadConfFileOnOff:key=[info_visible] not found in /etc/melco/info.
=====  exec:ftpd.sh  =====
ftp is OFF
=====  exec:httpd.sh  =====
Starting HTTPD services: /sbin/hotplug [module]
/sbin/hotplug [module]
/sbin/hotplug [module]
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd started

=====  exec:smb.sh  =====
configure samba
LoadConfFileString:key=[local_auth] not found in /etc/melco/info.
load_info ItemValue = off
LoadConfFileString:key=[ad_dns] not found in /etc/melco/info.
LoadConfFileOnOff:key=[info_visible] not found in /etc/melco/info.
LoadConfFileString:key=[msdfs_function] not found in /etc/melco/msdfs.
LoadConfFileString:key=[msdfs_root_as_link] not found in /etc/melco/msdfs.
LoadConfFileString:key=[msdfs_root_name] not found in /etc/melco/msdfs.
LoadConfFileString:key=[msdfs_root_path] not found in /etc/melco/msdfs.
LoadConfFileString:key=[msdfs_link1_name] not found in /etc/melco/msdfs.
Can't Open : /etc/melco/offlinefile
>IconvCodeCharset CodePage=0,charset=CP932
Starting SMB services:
Starting NMB services:
=====  exec:clientUtil_servd.sh  =====
Starting clientUtil_server:starting on eth0
=====  exec:lsprcvd.sh  =====
Starting lsprcvd:=====  exec:daemonwatch.sh  =====
Starting daemonwatch:daemonwatch Ver.1.01
watch list file : /etc/daemonwatch.list
=====  exec:cron.sh  =====
Start services: crond=====  exec:logchkd.sh  =====
Starting logchkd:logchkd ver.1.12(Mar  7 2008) started
=====  exec:checkconfig.sh  =====
=====  exec:init_sem.sh  =====
=====  exec:bootcomplete.sh  =====
/etc/init.d/bootcomplete.sh: line 44: flushqueue: command not found
Starting pid 23742, console /dev/ttyS0: '/sbin/getty'

BUFFALO INC. LinkStation series LS-GL(IESADA)
LS-GL530 login:

command not found だの -eq: unary operator expected だの [: missing `]' だの、No such file or directory だの、汚な過ぎ!

livedoor デパート

HS-DGL! で PodCast
LinkStation/玄箱 をハックしよう

ファームウェア 1.13 のスリープ機能(2)

Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Yasunari Yamashita. All Rights Reserved.
yasunari @ yamasita.jp 山下康成@京都府向日市